Research Grant/Project Proposal

    Step 1 of 13

    PART I

    Step 2 of 13

    PART II : Details of Applicant

    Name and address of supervisor

    Bank Detail of PI

    Step 3 of 13

    PART III :Research Team

    Principal Investigator




    Step 4 of 13

    Part IV: Project Summary


    Step 5 of 13

    Part V : Methodology

    Step 6 of 13

    Part V(B) :Ethical Issues

    Step 7 of 13

    Part VI: References

    Step 8 of 13

    Part VI: Timeline

    Step 9 of 13

    Part VIII: Budget Overview in Nepali Rupees (NRS)

    Step 10 of 13

    Part IX

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    Step 11 of 13

    Part X: Other Information

    Step 12 of 13

    Part XI: Signatures of Investigators

    Step 13 of 13

    Part XII: Appendix

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    Upload png, jpg or pdf files, max size: 3 MB.
    Upload png, jpg or pdf files, max size: 3 MB.
    Upload png, jpg or pdf files, max size: 3 MB.
    Upload png, jpg or pdf files, max size: 3 MB.
    Upload png or jpg files, max size: 3 MB.
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    Note: Please note that details about authors or institutions should be mentioned in the main proposal. The proposals will be disqualified if such details are not found, or if there are no signatures in the undertaking. All information must be true and correct, failure to do so may disqualify the application or the grant itself.